Types & Grammar

"(Prototypal) Inheritance"

We've seen some approximations of "class" mechanics as typically hacked into JavaScript programs. But JavaScript "class"es would be rather hollow if we didn't have an approximation of "inheritance".

Actually, we've already seen the mechanism which is commonly called "prototypal inheritance" at work when a was able to "inherit from" Foo.prototype, and thus get access to the myName() function. But we traditionally think of "inheritance" as being a relationship between two "classes", rather than between "class" and "instance".

Recall this figure from earlier, which shows not only delegation from an object (aka, "instance") a1 to object Foo.prototype, but from Bar.prototype to Foo.prototype, which somewhat resembles the concept of Parent-Child class inheritance. Resembles, except of course for the direction of the arrows, which show these are delegation links rather than copy operations.

And, here's the typical "prototype style" code that creates such links:

function Foo(name) {
    this.name = name;

Foo.prototype.myName = function() {
    return this.name;

function Bar(name,label) {
    Foo.call( this, name );
    this.label = label;

// here, we make a new `Bar.prototype`
// linked to `Foo.prototype`
Bar.prototype = Object.create( Foo.prototype );

// Beware! Now `Bar.prototype.constructor` is gone,
// and might need to be manually "fixed" if you're
// in the habit of relying on such properties!

Bar.prototype.myLabel = function() {
    return this.label;

var a = new Bar( "a", "obj a" );

a.myName(); // "a"
a.myLabel(); // "obj a"

Note: To understand why this points to a in the above code snippet, see Chapter 2.

The important part is Bar.prototype = Object.create( Foo.prototype ). Object.create(..) creates a "new" object out of thin air, and links that new object's internal [[Prototype]] to the object you specify (Foo.prototype in this case).

In other words, that line says: "make a new 'Bar dot prototype' object that's linked to 'Foo dot prototype'."

When function Bar() { .. } is declared, Bar, like any other function, has a .prototype link to its default object. But that object is not linked to Foo.prototype like we want. So, we create a new object that is linked as we want, effectively throwing away the original incorrectly-linked object.

Note: A common mis-conception/confusion here is that either of the following approaches would also work, but they do not work as you'd expect:

// doesn't work like you want!
Bar.prototype = Foo.prototype;

// works kinda like you want, but with
// side-effects you probably don't want :(
Bar.prototype = new Foo();

Bar.prototype = Foo.prototype doesn't create a new object for Bar.prototype to be linked to. It just makes Bar.prototype be another reference to Foo.prototype, which effectively links Bar directly to the same object as Foo links to: Foo.prototype. This means when you start assigning, like Bar.prototype.myLabel = ..., you're modifying not a separate object but the shared Foo.prototype object itself, which would affect any objects linked to Foo.prototype. This is almost certainly not what you want. If it is what you want, then you likely don't need Bar at all, and should just use only Foo and make your code simpler.

Bar.prototype = new Foo() does in fact create a new object which is duly linked to Foo.prototype as we'd want. But, it used the Foo(..) "constructor call" to do it. If that function has any side-effects (such as logging, changing state, registering against other objects, adding data properties to this, etc.), those side-effects happen at the time of this linking (and likely against the wrong object!), rather than only when the eventual Bar() "descendents" are created, as would likely be expected.

So, we're left with using Object.create(..) to make a new object that's properly linked, but without having the side-effects of calling Foo(..). The slight downside is that we have to create a new object, throwing the old one away, instead of modifying the existing default object we're provided.

It would be nice if there was a standard and reliable way to modify the linkage of an existing object. Prior to ES6, there's a non-standard and not fully-cross-browser way, via the .__proto__ property, which is settable. ES6 adds a Object.setPrototypeOf(..) helper utility, which does the trick in a standard and predictable way.

Compare the pre-ES6 and ES6-standardized techniques for linking Bar.prototype to Foo.prototype, side-by-side:

// pre-ES6
// throws away default existing `Bar.prototype`
Bar.prototype = Object.create( Foo.prototype );

// ES6+
// modifies existing `Bar.prototype`
Object.setPrototypeOf( Bar.prototype, Foo.prototype );

Ignoring the slight performance disadvantage (throwing away an object that's later garbage collected) of the Object.create(..) approach, it's a little bit shorter and may be perhaps a little easier to read than the ES6+ approach. But it's probably a syntactic wash either way.

Inspecting "Class" Relationships

What if you have an object like a and want to find out what object (if any) it delegates to? Inspecting an instance (just an object in JS) for its inheritance ancestry (delegation linkage in JS) is often called introspection (or reflection) in traditional class-oriented environments.


function Foo() {
    // ...

Foo.prototype.blah = ...;

var a = new Foo();

How do we then introspect a to find out its "ancestry" (delegation linkage)? The first approach embraces the "class" confusion:

a instanceof Foo; // true

The instanceof operator takes a plain object as its left-hand operand and a function as its right-hand operand. The question instanceof answers is: in the entire [[Prototype]] chain of a, does the object arbitrarily pointed to by Foo.prototype ever appear?

Unfortunately, this means that you can only inquire about the "ancestry" of some object (a) if you have some function (Foo, with its attached .prototype reference) to test with. If you have two arbitrary objects, say a and b, and want to find out if the objects are related to each other through a [[Prototype]] chain, instanceof alone can't help.

Note: If you use the built-in .bind(..) utility to make a hard-bound function (see Chapter 2), the function created will not have a .prototype property. Using instanceof with such a function transparently substitutes the .prototype of the target function that the hard-bound function was created from.

It's fairly uncommon to use hard-bound functions as "constructor calls", but if you do, it will behave as if the original target function was invoked instead, which means that using instanceof with a hard-bound function also behaves according to the original function.

This snippet illustrates the ridiculousness of trying to reason about relationships between two objects using "class" semantics and instanceof:

// helper utility to see if `o1` is
// related to (delegates to) `o2`
function isRelatedTo(o1, o2) {
    function F(){}
    F.prototype = o2;
    return o1 instanceof F;

var a = {};
var b = Object.create( a );

isRelatedTo( b, a ); // true

Inside isRelatedTo(..), we borrow a throw-away function F, reassign its .prototype to arbitrarily point to some object o2, then ask if o1 is an "instance of" F. Obviously o1 wasn't actually inherited or descended or even constructed from F, so it should be clear why this kind of exercise is silly and confusing. The problem comes down to the awkwardness of class semantics forced upon JavaScript, in this case as revealed by the indirect semantics of instanceof.

The second, and much cleaner, approach to [[Prototype]] reflection is:

Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf( a ); // true

Notice that in this case, we don't really care about (or even need) Foo, we just need an object (in our case, arbitrarily labeled Foo.prototype) to test against another object. The question isPrototypeOf(..) answers is: in the entire [[Prototype]] chain of a, does Foo.prototype ever appear?

Same question, and exact same answer. But in this second approach, we don't actually need the indirection of referencing a function (Foo) whose .prototype property will automatically be consulted.

We just need two objects to inspect a relationship between them. For example:

// Simply: does `b` appear anywhere in
// `c`s [[Prototype]] chain?
b.isPrototypeOf( c );

Notice, this approach doesn't require a function ("class") at all. It just uses object references directly to b and c, and inquires about their relationship. In other words, our isRelatedTo(..) utility above is built-in to the language, and it's called isPrototypeOf(..).

We can also directly retrieve the [[Prototype]] of an object. As of ES5, the standard way to do this is:

Object.getPrototypeOf( a );

And you'll notice that object reference is what we'd expect:

Object.getPrototypeOf( a ) === Foo.prototype; // true

Most browsers (not all!) have also long supported a non-standard alternate way of accessing the internal [[Prototype]]:

a.__proto__ === Foo.prototype; // true

The strange .__proto__ (not standardized until ES6!) property "magically" retrieves the internal [[Prototype]] of an object as a reference, which is quite helpful if you want to directly inspect (or even traverse: .__proto__.__proto__...) the chain.

Just as we saw earlier with .constructor, .__proto__ doesn't actually exist on the object you're inspecting (a in our running example). In fact, it exists (non-enumerable; see Chapter 2) on the built-in Object.prototype, along with the other common utilities (.toString(), .isPrototypeOf(..), etc).

Moreover, .__proto__ looks like a property, but it's actually more appropriate to think of it as a getter/setter (see Chapter 3).

Roughly, we could envision .__proto__ implemented (see Chapter 3 for object property definitions) like this:

Object.defineProperty( Object.prototype, "__proto__", {
    get: function() {
        return Object.getPrototypeOf( this );
    set: function(o) {
        // setPrototypeOf(..) as of ES6
        Object.setPrototypeOf( this, o );
        return o;
} );

So, when we access (retrieve the value of) a.__proto__, it's like calling a.__proto__() (calling the getter function). That function call has a as its this even though the getter function exists on the Object.prototype object (see Chapter 2 for this binding rules), so it's just like saying Object.getPrototypeOf( a ).

.__proto__ is also a settable property, just like using ES6's Object.setPrototypeOf(..) shown earlier. However, generally you should not change the [[Prototype]] of an existing object.

There are some very complex, advanced techniques used deep in some frameworks that allow tricks like "subclassing" an Array, but this is commonly frowned on in general programming practice, as it usually leads to much harder to understand/maintain code.

Note: As of ES6, the class keyword will allow something that approximates "subclassing" of built-in's like Array. See Appendix A for discussion of the class syntax added in ES6.

The only other narrow exception (as mentioned earlier) would be setting the [[Prototype]] of a default function's .prototype object to reference some other object (besides Object.prototype). That would avoid replacing that default object entirely with a new linked object. Otherwise, it's best to treat object [[Prototype]] linkage as a read-only characteristic for ease of reading your code later.

Note: The JavaScript community unofficially coined a term for the double-underscore, specifically the leading one in properties like __proto__: "dunder". So, the "cool kids" in JavaScript would generally pronounce __proto__ as "dunder proto".