Objects in JS have both a literal form (such as var a = { .. }
) and a constructed form (such as var a = new Array(..)
). The literal form is almost always preferred, but the constructed form offers, in some cases, more creation options.
Many people mistakingly claim "everything in JavaScript is an object", but this is incorrect. Objects are one of the 6 (or 7, depending on your perspective) primitive types. Objects have sub-types, including function
, and also can be behavior-specialized, like [object Array]
as the internal label representing the array object sub-type.
Objects are collections of key/value pairs. The values can be accessed as properties, via .propName
or ["propName"]
syntax. Whenever a property is accessed, the engine actually invokes the internal default [[Get]]
operation (and [[Put]]
for setting values), which not only looks for the property directly on the object, but which will traverse the [[Prototype]]
chain (see Chapter 5) if not found.
Properties have certain characteristics that can be controlled through property descriptors, such as writable
and configurable
. In addition, objects can have their mutability (and that of their properties) controlled to various levels of immutability using Object.preventExtensions(..)
, Object.seal(..)
, and Object.freeze(..)
Properties don't have to contain values -- they can be "accessor properties" as well, with getters/setters. They can also be either enumerable or not, which controls if they show up in for..in
loop iterations, for instance.
You can also iterate over the values in data structures (arrays, objects, etc) using the ES6 for..of
syntax, which looks for either a built-in or custom @@iterator
object consisting of a next()
method to advance through the data values one at a time.